Cancun - Monday, Oct 17

 Up again today at about 7:30.  All four of us went down for breakfast before heading to the lap pool.  Greg & Christy stayed in the room to try and recover from too much sun yesterday - and I'm here to tell ya, it's hot down here.  That's not a complaint as there is snow falling at home!  We will take hot.

Just to give you an idea of how hot it is - Sandy was in the pool three times before lunch!  Lunch was at the pool bar, as par norm.  And then we spent most of the afternoon in the pool attempting to keep cool.

Dinner tonight included the Mexican Show with dancers giving the history of the Mayans.  And then we spent way too much money at the vendor shops that were set up outside the restaurant.  But at least all the grandkids have gifts from Grandma & Papaw returning from Mexico.

And this is our plan for the remainder of the week...sleep when tired and eat when hungry while basking in the 87 F heat.  Clear and beautiful here.  No clouds to hide the sun and our bodies show it.  Not sorry about the weather y'all are having back home.  #Winning!

The beach overlooking the restaurant - facing E

The fire dance at the Dinner Show tonight

Sleep when you're tired

One of the fountains on the way to the pool

Looking out from the pool to the ocean

Refreshing beverages at lunch

And not to be outdone, the boys order beers 2 by 2.



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