
Showing posts from March, 2024

Cancun Day Last for this Trip - Friday March 15

 Up about the normal time.  Sandy met Alex, Will, and Andy for breakfast at 8:15.  The two Seager grandkids and Shelby had room service.  We slathered up with sunscreen and then hit the pool.  We changed our Home Base from the edge of the beach to the back of the lap pool to get out of the wind-blown sand. The kids swam until lunch, which was again at the pool restaurant.  We watched the Purdue v. Michigan State basketball game that Purdue won.  After we finished eating, we ordered 8 blue lemon drop shots and 4 shots of lemonade.  Sandy has had a total of 5 shots in her life and Nick has never been present for any of them.  We agreed we would all make a toast to Pa Jerry! Then Andy & Austin kicked Sandy’s and my butts at corn hole 3-1.  I’d say it was the alcohol, but we couldn’t play with or without alcohol.  The kids came back and we swam, went to the beach, played in the kiddie pool with slides, and relaxed in the hot tub bef...

Cancun Day 6 - Thursday Mar 14

 Thursday.  Thursday.  What did we do on Thursday?  Oh yeah, same thing we do everyday Pinky (for those not familiar with Warner Bros cartoons, that’s a reference to Pinky & The Brain). We were up a little later than ‘normal.’  Sandy went to breakfast with Shelby, Mallory, and Wes.  Kathy’s family ordered room service.  Back to rooms for sunscreen and Kathy’s family beat us to the chairs that we are calling Home Base.  And by the time me and Grandma got there, Will and Hadley were building another mansion / castle complex.  I was ordered by Queen Hadley to build the Royal swimming pool - that must have a shallow end too.  Yes, Your Highness. Mallory soon joined us on the beach but not Wes.  Why not Wes?  He was in ANOTHER Time Out for not listening, as 4 year-olds are wont to do.  He soon made his way down and helped with the castle.  Alas as we were preparing to leave, the tide was winning.  Our sandcastle w...

Cancun Day 5 - Wednesday Mar 13

 So the littles stayed with Grandma & Papaw last night.  It was an early morning for them.  Wes got up with a nightmare at 3:45.  It was so sweet of Will to try and console him, but once Grandma got there (as Papaw didn’t have a clue), she tucked Wes into bed and he was asleep faster than his head hit the pillow.  Then Will had to use the bathroom about 6:15 and just stayed up.  By the time I walked into the Living Room, all four kids were playing games at 7:30.  I texted their parents and said, “We are on our way to breakfast.”  Then I said, “That was not a warning, it was time for you to meet us there.”  But, we full well knew that neither of our children would make it.  We were hoping that our children-in-laws would come.  Alex made it. We returned Mallory and Wes to their room and had to ring the doorbell multiple times to get Nick out of bed.  We then went to put on sunscreen and grab some chairs by the pool.  The...

Cancun Day 4 - Tuesday Mar 12

 The kids got up “early” and were on a shuttle to Xcaret by 8:20.  It’s less than 30 mins down the road and is a nature park with lots to do.  They chose to swim with the dolphins, visit the sharks, and feed the butterflies.  They did not return until after 2 pm.  Hadley went down for a 4 hour nap.  The others joined us at the pool. While they were out and about, Sandy and I took the time to teach Austin and Andy how to play cornhole.  We stayed pretty close.  I think it ended up in a tie when we quit so we could go cool off in the pool.  If anyone won, it was not by more than one game. Dinner was steak and lobster at the buffet and we ate a lot, probably too much.  Then everyone came back to our room.  The adults played an adult drawing game while the kids played their own games in their own room.  Only one kid ended up crying, which is a win in our book.  Shelby would like it to be known that regardless of how we broke u...