Cancun Day 2 - Sunday, March 10

 Will and Alex joined me and Grandma Sandy for breakfast.  The fruit smoothies were the biggest hit.  The rest of the crew slept in and joined us at the pool later.  Those grandkids are little fish.  We had to force them to take breaks.  They would still be there if we let them!

We had lunch by the pool and then made the kids relax for about an hour before hitting the kiddie pool - with slides.  We hit the beach, swam in the ocean a bit and then built sand castles.  We returned to the pool for the entire afternoon.

We ate dinner as a group of 12 at the buffet here in the resort.  Hadley fell asleep at the table and Will just barely made it through his ice cream before they all headed off to bed.  They were out by 7:30 pm.  The grandkids were exhausted but having a great time down here.

It was hot today, 90 F with little to no breeze at all.  There was a heat index warning as the humidity was up, making it feel a lot hotter.  No complaints though as the pool feels great!

Our littlest guy, Wes, jumped up on his bed, raised his hands above his head like Rocky Balboa and yelled, “Greatest Day Ever!”  Wish we had our phones on video to record that.  But we know he’s having a great time.  Pretty sure they all are.  I think they will have fond memories of Cancun.

I have to check my pill container just to know what day it is.  Brush teeth in morning.  Look down.  I still have pills for Sunday.  It must be Sunday.  It’s good to be retired!  Dad always said, as a retiree you have six Saturdays and one Sunday each week.  I’m good with that.

The grands all crashed by 7:30 last night.  They were plain exhausted from all the swimming, kiddie pool, swimming in the ocean, building sand castles and more swimming.  Pretty sure little Wes summed it up best.

Austin and Andy came back to our room for a lesson in Euchre.  Austin is still a Beginner but held his own.  Those two did lose to me & Sandy 4 to 1.  If you’d like to know why I won, please ask Greg Unger.  He knows - because that’s what winners do!  But we laughed a lot.  That’s why we’re here - relax, enjoy the company with some awesome weather.  Oh, why is Austin here?  It’s Purdue’s Spring Break.  No better place to take a break than at the beach in Mexico.

Lots of photos of our day follow…

Hadley enjoying her patio

Craig, Hadley, Will, and Alex in the Gulf of Mexico

Will and Kathy on the beach

The adults at the Swim-Up bar drinking adult things

Grandma Sandy supervising the building of sand castles

Wes and Mallory going down water slides

The grandkids splashing Grandma Sandy

Nick and Wes enjoying the pool


  1. Congrats again on retirement. Love the “Best Day Ever” from Wes. Holt

  2. Ditto on Best Day Ever! Great t-shirts. Has to be the biggest pool ever. Enjoy!!

  3. Awesome! Building fabulous memories. :-)

  4. It looks like everyone is having a lot of fun!! And, Mark and I have the same philosophy-retirement is only Saturday and Sundays!!

  5. I love reading ur blogs!! So happy for u all!!


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