Cancun Day 6 - Thursday Mar 14

 Thursday.  Thursday.  What did we do on Thursday?  Oh yeah, same thing we do everyday Pinky (for those not familiar with Warner Bros cartoons, that’s a reference to Pinky & The Brain).

We were up a little later than ‘normal.’  Sandy went to breakfast with Shelby, Mallory, and Wes.  Kathy’s family ordered room service.  Back to rooms for sunscreen and Kathy’s family beat us to the chairs that we are calling Home Base.  And by the time me and Grandma got there, Will and Hadley were building another mansion / castle complex.  I was ordered by Queen Hadley to build the Royal swimming pool - that must have a shallow end too.  Yes, Your Highness.

Mallory soon joined us on the beach but not Wes.  Why not Wes?  He was in ANOTHER Time Out for not listening, as 4 year-olds are wont to do.  He soon made his way down and helped with the castle.  Alas as we were preparing to leave, the tide was winning.  Our sandcastle walls were no match for the ocean.

Back to the pool where we found that our chosen location for sitting all week had become a poor choice.  The wind was blowing directly in from the East, across the ocean and beach.  Along the way it picked up sand and was carrying it at such a velocity to exfoliate our skin and enter our beverages.  This caused us to spend more time in the pool to avoid said sand blasting.  

Then lunch beside the pool.  Then short break for the kids while Andy & Austin beat me and Grandma 4-0 in corn hole.  To our credit, the bags that Andy provided to our team were not of equal weight nor size and we exchanged two of them trying to get better consistency.  It did not work.  That, and I sent us back in points each time we were set to become champions, snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory.  And to Sandy’s credit, she didn’t suck as a partner (relax, those are her own words and they are true).  

Then pool.  Then hot tub.  Hot Tub?  Yep.  It’s 2.85 feet in depth (0.8 meters), warmer than the pool, and everyone can stand without their heads being below the waterline.  Then off to the kiddie pool with slides, where Papaw snuck in a nap and Wes got yet another Time Out.  Then the ladies all went to review our professional photos.  Then showers, then dinner.

Tonight’s dinner included a 50’s rock-n-roll show.  And this time, all four grandkids loved the performance.  They were dancing along with the songs.  We have some good video of their performances.

We all returned to Grandma & Papaw’s suite for Euchre, and Thank Goodness Andy & Austin can play corn hole because they do not know how to play Euchre.  They lost to Sandy & Alex 3-0.  Nick and I beat Shelby & Kathy 5-2.  Austin had to finish Kathy’s last game as she and Alex took their kids to bed.  They were up 6 points to 1 when Austin sat down.  They finally won 10-9 and Shelby said, “You’re welcome for helping you to become a Winner!”  Ouch.  Poor Andy.  

Everyone was in their own rooms by 10.  I read my second book until midnight.  On my last chapter and have hopes of finishing it before we leave.  Yet another wonderful day in paradise.

Mallory eating breakfast!

The Martin family and their room service.

Wes in Time Out #1 today

The building of the Royal Palace

The kids in the ocean.  Papaw ensuring none get washed out to sea.

Papaw “the whale” attempting to evade his torturers.

Look at Grandma’s hair.  Think it might be a bit windy?  You’d be correct.

Ditched the kids!

Austin found his niche.

Poor Wes in Time Out, number unknown…

Some of the professional photos below.  There are over 150.  I am not posting them all…
Just a quick tease.

Ha!  Try and get this image out of your brain!


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