Good Bye Cancun - Hello Cabo!

Say "Hello" to hurricane Rina.  She's making a mess of our plans to Cancun.  In fact, the weather forecast for Cancun is calling for Thunderstorms for the next 8 days!

No worries!  That's what trip insurance is for, eh?  Got our room fees applied to our trip next year.  Filed a claim with the airlines (Frontier has not "officially" canceled yet, but are advising AGAINST travelling to Cancun).

So now, we're heading for Cabo San Lucas!  Never been there before.  A bit longer flight, which is sure to impress mama (shhh!  Don't tell).  Not sure how expensive it will be, but at this point I don't reckon it matters that much.  We're outta here.  Nick's got the helm.  Planning on painting Kathy's old room and turning it into a Game Center whilst the parental units are away. 

I still plan on taking my iPad and updating this blog while I'm away.  I'll see if I can't change the name to Cabo vs Cancun.  In the end, I'll still be on a beach somewhere....


  1. So are you there? Can you post from there? It is sunny and beautiful here on the PNW coast - almost 60F :)


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