IPad Test with Photos

So two posts in one day? That won't continue to be the norm. However, this one was created on my iPad wirelessly.

As a photo test, I want you all to comment on who this could possibly be?
Let's see: He's a hunter, as you can tell by his clothes.
He drinks beer; obviously has a drinking problem!
But he's wearin WHITE wrestling shoes! While I applaud the effort to stay quiet when bow hunting, there must not have been any shoes in Hunter's Orange.
Hint: since you can't tell from the photo, I'll let you know that he's wearing vanilla cover scent!
Any guesses?

Wow.  FAIL!  Can't upload pictures from the iPad.  Had to revert to computer.
Also could not change font colors.
Maybe this is not the way to go.  Checking in to other software for iPad.


  1. Well, I am out of the beer loop because I can't even tell what kind of beer that is, let alone who is holding them! :( And I want to publicly (as public as this is) thank Craig for putting it in my head that shortly after he turned 40 he noticed he needed glasses for focus. THANKS, brother! Maybe I have beer goggles on?

  2. Well the waistline is wrong for it to be Krueger, Nick or Alex. No sawdust on the shoes, so it can't be Dad. The ring is on the wrong hand, so it can't be Kathy. Not exactly Sandy's preferred style in designer fashion wear. Davey knows never to mix his drinks. Therefore I conclude it must be Re-Phil, which would be confirmed by the vanilla scent!


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