Back Home Again in Indiana

Our flight out of Cancun was delayed about 45 minutes, as our plane was flying in from Salt Lake City. Seems they had to take the time to de-ice before they could leave SLC. Whew. None of that in Cancun nor Indiana. Flight back was bumpy, but not horrible. Movie selection was lame since I had watched Dark Knight on the way in. Plus, due to the delay, all in-flight Direct TV was free to everyone - except that we had already paid for it on our upgrade. Did we get a refund? Yeah, don't ask. Landed in Indy about 7:00 pm to rain and 50F. Guess that's better than snow and 30F. No issues with Immigration nor Customs. Stopped in at the Mulberry Pizza King to get "take out" for our dinner. Pulled in the homestead at roughly 8:30. Spent Sunday catching up. House was in pretty good shape. Guess we don't have to kick Nick out yet. Nothing planned for a return trip yet, but my guess is that Cancun has not seen the ...