An observation

Since it's wintertime at home, we have gotten accustom to a certain amount of hair growth. I can get away with not shaving every day and it's not too noticeable.

Not so much for tropical climes. Warmer weather enhances circulation to the skin and scalp - which in turn promotes cell growth. Thus, your hair and nails grow 10-15% faster in warmer weather. Conversely, during colder weather, the blood is used to warm internal organs and hair growth subsequently slows.

I have noted this throughout the week. I could barely go a day without needing a shave. Also had to trim my nails down here.

Not complaining, mind you. Just pointing it out for your edification.

And now that you're aware, you can take note on your next trip to the tropics.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:CancĂșn, Mexico


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