It's Called Fly Boarding

A new activity available here in Cancun is called Fly Boarding. But, for Sandy, it might as well be called Water Boarding.

Here's a YouTube video of what we didn't look like.

Alex went first, then Kathy, and then Craig. We headed out on a jet ski. The output of the jet ski was piped to the boots on your feet. You also have wands strapped to your hands for balance and steering.

The two hardest parts were remembering to keep your arms down and getting out of the water. You're swimming for Pete's sake - no, keep your arms at your side, pointed down.

Knees need to be locked straight. You move by tilting your feet. Balancing in the water is pretty simple. Once you get about 6' out of the water it gets a bit more tricky. Also, since you are attached to the jet ski, you must remember where it is at all times. You don't wanna go crashing into the jet ski.

Alex spent 45 minutes flying and according to our trainer Angel, did very well for a first time flier. Kathy spent 30 minutes in the water and I was done after about 20 minutes. It is more difficult than it appears. Legs, feet, and shoulders get a work out. My feet cramped and my calves are tight tonight.

But, it was a total blast and we would gladly do it again. No clue how expensive it was, cause we didn't check. Regardless, it was worth it.

We took movies, but I'm sure I do not have enough bandwidth to upload them here. I will get them loaded up to YouTube when we return state side. In the meantime, here are a few pictures of each of us Fly Boarding.




- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad



  1. looks like the JETSONS to me! Hope you aren't paying for it tomorrow by only being able to lounge at the pool. Oh, wait, that's not punishment!


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