November in the South Pacific

It's Tuesday morning sometime before 9 am. We've picked a spot away from the pools, overlooking the ocean. More of an observation deck, as we are not on the beach proper.

Sandy is about 10 pages from finishing her second book. To date, no sun poisoning. She also would like to point out to Kathy that there are no cloud buddies. In fact, we have yet to see the FIRST cloud.

Although Mr. Thermometer might only read low 90's, we have agreed that it's warmer here than Cancun. Must be our position relative to the sun. Our bet is that neither Kathy nor Shelby would require hoodies down here.

Had breakfast served to our little table here yesterday. Self-portrait, as Sandy was in the pool. Not a typo. Even Sandy had to visit the pool about once an hour to cool off.

Dinner last night was at Bella California, a restaurant here at the hotel. Sticking with our American Tourists costumes, Sandy had spaghetti and I had steak. Both were excellent! My steak could be cut with a fork, it was that tender. Must recommend that as a place to eat.

We took a few evening photos that demonstrate that the sun sets behind the mts.

That's facing west, down the beach, towards downtown Cabo. To the left is the Arco de Cabo that we are off to visit later.

I'm sweating just sitting here typing. But I learned yesterday that if you get in the ocean, you want to be darn sure to get all the sand out of your suit. It's VERY uncomfortable sitting in the lounge chairs with sand in your suit.

Glad Nick chose not to Trick G&G last night. Probably too tired from painting. Got Meg's pics, but have not viewed them yet. That's next, after a cervesa.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Camino Viejo a San Jose,Cabo,Mexico


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