Sandy & Craig Renew their Vows

In a surprise move that's sensitive, thoughtful, romantic, and so unlike Craig, this afternoon on the beach, Craig scheduled a 25-year vow renewal with Sandy.

Kathy told a fib and said we were getting family photos in order to get Sandy ready. Seems that Sandy wanted to finish her second book before going to dinner.

We met the minster at the bottom of the stairs before he and I went to the tiki torch / rose area on the beach.

Kathy and Nick walked in together. Alex and Shelby followed, just like a real ceremony. So we had two attendants each. And, as you can see, Sandy had a bouquet of flowers.

Brother and sister were pushing each other in the sand on the way to the "altar." Typical.

The Ceremony was nice and non-denominational. Spoke of love and working together and sharing. Minister said we included our kids so that they could witness our example.

We said our vows again which were very similar to what we said 25 years ago. And I even got to kiss the bride.

We grabbed three ladies on the beach who were more than happy to be a part of our ceremony by taking pictures on our cameras. They thanked us! At the end of Mexican weddings, everyone claps. There was quite a crowd on hand to celebrate with us.

Well, certainly glad she said "yes" again. Now off for the honeymoon!

Sandy says, "Dang it!"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad



  1. Oh, brownie points for Craig! Wishing you would have done that the first time around? :) Glad everyone is having a relaxing good time there and the weather is cooperating. Beach looks clean and friendly, no speedo alerts, I hope!! Congratulations on 25 years & here's to another 50 more!

  2. Awesome!! What more can I say?
    Absolutely awesome ... every part of it!
    Congratulations again to the happy couple. Everything of the best for the next 50 years.

  3. Can't believe Sandy said yes AGAIN!! Just kidding, think that was a great plan :-) Glad all of you are together and having lots of R&R.
    Happy 25th!
    Love, Mom and Dad


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