Sunday Night

Spent the day in the ocean and pool side. Bought three boogie boards, but only Alex and Craig were brave enough to try them out. Nick would have but he was sleeping.

Shelby did join us in the ocean after lunch. Nick promptly dunked her.

Sat over at the Royal Mayan after lunch as the Caribbean was too full. Thank goodness the wind was blowing or we would have been way hot. It took several dunks in the pool just to keep cool.

No one is burnt yet, but it's still early.

Took showers and then headed to Cambalache (Argentinian steak house) for dinner. We all brought food back to the room for breakfast tomorrow, as the portions were just HUGE.

Here's the gang on the balcony before dinner. This is on our room, not Alex's and Kathy's room.

You can see the effects of the wind, including the waves behind us. Our balcony is on the third floor, facing the ocean.

Shelby called her mom. And then Sandy called and spoke with her parents.

We caught most of the men's NCAA brackets on ESPN before dinner.

Playing cards before calling it a night. More Monday.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico


  1. Sounds like you are having a fabulous time so far! Sunshine, beach, boogie boards, pool deck, more good food than you can finish -- what an awesome combination. Keep the sun block close at hand.

    I have many fond memories of boogie boarding from our South Africa days, so I am just a teeny-weeny bit jealous. Looks like you have perfect surf conditions for it.

    Oh, and as Craig pointed out -- this is Dave, with the ridiculous Blogger name.

    Send love to all. Enjoy!

  2. Saw you all at the pool on the webcam! See the photo I sent by email.


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