Assume the position - 2013 edition

Got less than 3 hours sleep before heading to the airport today.
No issues with traffic, weather, or pocket knives.

For any Donkey Heads reading this (they know who they are) we rode on Frontier's "Cliff" the Mt. Goat.

Got some sleep on the plane. I watched Ice Age Continental Drift on this here iPad. Sandy played solitaire and Angry Birds on her Kindle after her napper.

Arrived at 9:30 am local, which is 1 hour behind Indiana. We sat in the front row of the plane and were thus first off. Upon arrival at Customs, we had the ENTIRE place to ourselves. The only other people in the joint were the officers. Got right thru, grabbed our bags and then a taxi. Green light. No searches.

Arrived at the Royal Caribbean close to 10 am. Went next door for a buffet breakfast. This time we were smart enough to pack our suits in the carry-on bag. Changed into them after breakfast, lathered up, and grabbed some Z's.

Here is mama on vacation.

Looks pretty familiar.

Checked into our room at 1:00. We are in the main building, D, room 610. Our view is of the pool bar, directly opposite of the web camera's view, same building. Out our door is the lagoon and Captain's Cove to the West.

Planning more sun, some drinks, and then the lobster & prime rib buffet here at the hotel. Early to bed tonight.

Weather is super windy, probably the most wind we've encountered. In the shade it's chilly, but by the pool it's warm enough to make you sweat just sitting there. Our guess is 78 F.

I realized I did not change the title of the blog to represent the new year. It still says 2012. Nothing I can do about that from here. No worries...we're on vacation.

We have arrived and all is well.
Another update tomorrow.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:CancĂșn, Mexico


  1. Not sure if you are getting emails.
    Grandma Davis passed this afternoon.


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