
Showing posts from October, 2023

Cancun - Friday 27 OCT 2023

 Up just slightly later today but made it to the pool about the same time - about 0915.  Laid in the sun and got in the pool to cool off before lunch at the poolside restaurant.  After lunch we played corn hole.  This time it was guys versus girls.  It did not end well for the ladies.  They lost 3 straight, although they at least did score points (not many tho).  Back into the pool to cool down.  Naps.  Back to the room about 4. We had dinner reservations at 1800 (6 pm) at the steak house inside the resort.  Dinner was just fine as the alternative was Hibachi night at the buffet.  Sandy and Greg would have been quite hungry as they are not fans of stir fry foods.  Sandy did get up to use the restroom (who here is surprised?).  And when she got back, she had the mark of a door on the side of her head, next to her eye.  She sat down and said, I think I just gave myself a black eye!  Seems that the foot plate to ope...

Cancun - Thursday, 26 OCT 2023

 I was back up at 7:30 this morning, continuing to read my second book and updating the blog from yesterday.  Sandy asked what time it was, I said 10:30.  She called me a liar.  She rolled out of bed at 8:30 and we hit the pool deck by 9 am.  Pleasant weather with more wind today.  Waves were rolling in.  No ocean time today either. We went to lunch right at 11 as the girls had to do their massages and pedicures at 11:30 and 11:45.  The pool restaurant was to open at 11.  Not quite.  May have been 11:05 before we saw anyone.  Then we had to wait for our food.  The girls did not get to eat before their appointments.  Greg and I ended up taking their lunches back to the room refrigerators.   After we ate, Greg and I played more corn hole.  Games were closer today and he finally won a single game.  He lost 2-1 before we gave up and got back into the pool as it was quite warm.  The girls showed up and ate t...

Cancun - Wednesday, 25 OCT

 Compared to the rain, today was a beautiful day in paradise!  At least weather-wise.  We got up at 7:30 and went to the buffet for breakfast.  Why so early?  We had an 8:30 appt with the “time share” people to discuss changes in the plan since The Royal Resorts were bought out by Holiday Inn.  And yes, of course they are going to try and sell us something. They stated, in writing, that the “presentation” was going to be 75 minutes in length.  After 2.5 hours, we were all done.  The points have changed and the new system has some merit, however you have to buy-in to the new system.  Of course you do.  They want more money.  The problem now is that if you want to get payments interest free, then you have to put 50% down.  Not sure who has that kind of discretionary funds laying about, but it’s not me and probably not the people I run around with.  Oh well.  For our time, the girls got a $70 gift certificate at the spa ...

Cancun - Tuesday, 24 OCT 2023

 Got up and hit the pool deck by 0900.  Some sprinkles came in so the girls decided to paint some ceramics.  Greg and I played corn hole.  We got game 1 in and then it REALLY rained.  We paused, got game 2 in and then the sky opened up and we got some serious rain.  If you are wondering, Greg lost the first game of corn hole 21-0 and the second game he lost 21-3.  Not his day for corn hole!  He claims he is still sore from the beating he took. I grabbed fresh towels and headed back to the room.  The construction barricade blocking the steps up to our room blew over in the storms, so that as I walked up the ramp, I had to move it.  There were three maids there trying to stay dry - who assisted me in moving the barricade, and I think set me up.  As I walked away, the twine that had been used to hold the barricade in place wrapped around my foot - unbeknownst to me.  As I walked away, on sopping wet tile floor, my right foot (now ...

Cancun - Monday, 23 OCT 2023

 We got up a little later today, about 0900, and headed out for the pool.  We played some corn hole while we relaxed with drinks from the swim-up bar.  We played couples as teams.  Greg and I are fairly confident that the girls do NOT understand the rules.  You get Zero points for the bags hitting the concrete.  This did not phase them for some reason…. Greg and Christy won 2 of 3 games, although they were very close.  The last game ended 20-21.   It started to drizzle about lunch time so we headed for the cabana - with all the other guests at this resort.  Not a table to be found.  We tried next door and nothing there either.  So we ended up at the hotel restaurant for a buffet.  And the rain came down hard.  So we decided it was officially time for naps. We decided (collective ‘we’ as it was really Sandy who decided) that we should go to dinner early since there was a show included tonight.  We headed down at 6 - an...

Cancun - Sunday, OCT 22

 Went to bed last night at 9:30 pm local (2230 home time).  I got up at 8:30 am and Sandy was already up.  We put on sunscreen and headed for the pool.  Greg and Christy met us there and the three of them went to the restaurant for breakfast.  Drinks started being delivered at 11.  We ate lunch at the pool desk restaurant and stayed out until about 1600.  Back to the rooms for football and showers.  Went to dinner at 6:30 pm and then to Greg and Christy’s suite to play bid euchre.   It is true that the girls won the first game but ONLY because I shot the moon and put us 25 in the hole on the very first hand.  It was risky.  I was missing the other right bower.  High risk - high reward.  And I didn’t get it.  Christy had it protected.  I took 10 and needed 11.  We ended up scoring 55 points but because we were at -25, we lost.  Then, true to form, we won the next two handily.  I think the closest th...

It’s October - We’re Back in Cancun!

October brings Fall Break for the local school systems and since Christy & Greg Unger have the week off, we have traveled back to Cancun, MX for a week of sun, relaxing, and recharging. The Unger’s arrived at our house around 10 pm Friday evening, 20 OCT.  We watched the last few innings of the NLCS baseball game and then switched to John Wick Chapter 4.  The girls took turns snoring and attempting to get some sleep.  Showers and out at 0300.  The drive to Indy was without incident, but we did see about 10 deer out this morning.  Check-in was simple and painless.  Indy has installed new security systems and they worked well today. Our flight left Indy at 0600 and we arrived in Dallas, TX at 0730 (gaining an hour due to time change).  We ate some breakfast food at Panera.  The good news was that we arrived only 3 gates away from where we were to depart.  We had 2 hours of downtime before leaving Texas at 1000.  Need a passport or boar...