Cancun - Thursday, 26 OCT 2023

 I was back up at 7:30 this morning, continuing to read my second book and updating the blog from yesterday.  Sandy asked what time it was, I said 10:30.  She called me a liar.  She rolled out of bed at 8:30 and we hit the pool deck by 9 am.  Pleasant weather with more wind today.  Waves were rolling in.  No ocean time today either.

We went to lunch right at 11 as the girls had to do their massages and pedicures at 11:30 and 11:45.  The pool restaurant was to open at 11.  Not quite.  May have been 11:05 before we saw anyone.  Then we had to wait for our food.  The girls did not get to eat before their appointments.  Greg and I ended up taking their lunches back to the room refrigerators.  

After we ate, Greg and I played more corn hole.  Games were closer today and he finally won a single game.  He lost 2-1 before we gave up and got back into the pool as it was quite warm.  The girls showed up and ate their lunch.  It sprinkled for all of 15 seconds but mostly sunny today.

Christy went off and got the girls some Christmas presents.  We’re pretty sure none of them are reading this blog so I can share the secret with you.  But you can’t say anything and ruin the surprise.  She bought each family a week down here at the Royal Haciendas.  Awesome Sauce!  Remember.  Shhh.

Here’s some advice I hope you can all learn from.  When your wife tells you to check your dopp (toiletries) bag - you should do it because she is the adult in the relationship.  Q-tips?  Check - filled ‘em up.  Here’s another tube of toothpaste.  Check.  Did you verify the amount of shaving cream?  No, but it’s probably good.  False.  I ran out.  She tried, y’all.  I didn’t listen.  So why shave at all then?  Because it is a pain in the butt to spread sunscreen through whiskers.  My prize for not listening?  I get to use Raspberry Rain shaving cream.  And no, she doesn’t like it either so she’s happily sharing…. My bad.  Learn from my mistakes people.

We ate at the Rock-n-Roll theme buffet tonight.  Some of the best variety and good food we have had all week.  We sat outside so the music wasn’t too loud either.  Besides, we did not mind the 50’s music.  We returned to the room for cards.  The boys won three (more) straight games of Bid Euchre.  We switched to normal Euchre and the girls won two games to none.  I guess we have finally found a game we boys can play poorly enough that even they can win!  For the record, we are up 14 - 6 in Bid Euchre.  

Some photos from today for your enjoyment.

Looking out right over the beach tonight with the moon almost full

Looking out over the entire frontage tonight.

Greg losing, yet again, at corn hole

At the restaurant tonight, they brought us balloons - don’t know why.
Of course I took mine and put it here.
The green one is Sandy’s balloon moving in as a sword.

Sandy is not being very nice to my balloon
And she’s hitting me with hers!


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