Cancun - Monday, 23 OCT 2023

 We got up a little later today, about 0900, and headed out for the pool.  We played some corn hole while we relaxed with drinks from the swim-up bar.  We played couples as teams.  Greg and I are fairly confident that the girls do NOT understand the rules.  You get Zero points for the bags hitting the concrete.  This did not phase them for some reason…. Greg and Christy won 2 of 3 games, although they were very close.  The last game ended 20-21.  

It started to drizzle about lunch time so we headed for the cabana - with all the other guests at this resort.  Not a table to be found.  We tried next door and nothing there either.  So we ended up at the hotel restaurant for a buffet.  And the rain came down hard.  So we decided it was officially time for naps.

We decided (collective ‘we’ as it was really Sandy who decided) that we should go to dinner early since there was a show included tonight.  We headed down at 6 - and we took the long way around to stay under shelter as the rains started again.  We got out right as the show was starting and the line to get into the restaurant was around the corner!  Good thing we went early.  Why not stay for the show?  We have seen this one at least a baker’s dozen times already.  Christy did FaceTime family members to show them what was happening.

Back to the room for cards and MNF.  We got four games in and ended with a tie - boys versus girls - two games each.  Cards were better tonight with bids getting into the 9’s (this is high for those of you not knowing Bid Euchre).  

A couple of photos from around our resort.  Sandy snapped these while she was out on her walk.

Tuesday is showing the possibility of more rain.  If so, the girls have plans to paint ceramics.  Called it a night about midnight.  Not suffering at all on this vacation… 


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