It’s October - We’re Back in Cancun!

October brings Fall Break for the local school systems and since Christy & Greg Unger have the week off, we have traveled back to Cancun, MX for a week of sun, relaxing, and recharging.

The Unger’s arrived at our house around 10 pm Friday evening, 20 OCT.  We watched the last few innings of the NLCS baseball game and then switched to John Wick Chapter 4.  The girls took turns snoring and attempting to get some sleep.  Showers and out at 0300.  The drive to Indy was without incident, but we did see about 10 deer out this morning.  Check-in was simple and painless.  Indy has installed new security systems and they worked well today.

Our flight left Indy at 0600 and we arrived in Dallas, TX at 0730 (gaining an hour due to time change).  We ate some breakfast food at Panera.  The good news was that we arrived only 3 gates away from where we were to depart.  We had 2 hours of downtime before leaving Texas at 1000.  Need a passport or boarding pass in Texas?  Nope.  They scanned our faces, identified us, and let us on the plane.  Ok.

We arrived in Cancun at Noon.  Everything was simple and painless here too.  In fact the comment we made was this was probably the smoothest travel we have had since Covid.  Of course, now we are jinxed!

We checked into our suites down in Riviera Maya, The Haciendas, at 2:30 pm (1430) - one hour behind Indiana time.  We walked down to the pool bar and ordered a full lunch.  Food was awesome.  Scenery was awesome - er.  Full sun, 88 F (31 C).  We could see the island of Cozumel across the ocean.  There may have been a drink or two consumed.  Then back to our rooms for naps, reading, late snacks, whatever.  

Yes, I will keep this blog updated daily while we are down here.  But I’m going to tell you, it will be repetitive - get up, eat breakfast, sunbathe, lunch, drinks, pool, shower, dinner, drinks, cards (guys win), sleep - repeat for the next six days.  

The views off our patio (looking E toward ocean)

Walking on the bridge, over the pool, to lunch.
Look way out in the ocean and you can see the building on Cozumel island.

First order of business, get drinks - lots of drinks!

Yes, our wives are lushes!

We’ve got some college football games on right now.  We’ve done some reading.  It is shortly time for bed.  And no, it will not be an early morning tomorrow!


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