Cancun - Tuesday, 24 OCT 2023

 Got up and hit the pool deck by 0900.  Some sprinkles came in so the girls decided to paint some ceramics.  Greg and I played corn hole.  We got game 1 in and then it REALLY rained.  We paused, got game 2 in and then the sky opened up and we got some serious rain.  If you are wondering, Greg lost the first game of corn hole 21-0 and the second game he lost 21-3.  Not his day for corn hole!  He claims he is still sore from the beating he took.

I grabbed fresh towels and headed back to the room.  The construction barricade blocking the steps up to our room blew over in the storms, so that as I walked up the ramp, I had to move it.  There were three maids there trying to stay dry - who assisted me in moving the barricade, and I think set me up.  As I walked away, the twine that had been used to hold the barricade in place wrapped around my foot - unbeknownst to me.  As I walked away, on sopping wet tile floor, my right foot (now securely tangled in the twine) got pulled out from under me.  I went down like four flat tires.  Not a chance at staying on my feet.  At least I rolled and at least I gave the maids their chuckle for the month.  Everyone else, the sympathetic fools that they are, just hope the security camera caught this so they can witness my less than graceful tumble.  

After painting, we decided that cards would be best since we could not even see across the pool deck due to the rainfall.  The boys continued to win because that’s what winners do!  I will say that the cards are much better to us now as we had multiple 8 & 9 bids and both sexes took all the tricks a time or two (girls once, boys twice).  Boys remain up 8 - 5 overall.  Even if this were to change, I would document here that it did not!  Just sayin…

Dinner was again the buffet for steak and lobster night.  We played a few more rounds of cards after dinner and then called it by 9 pm.  Weather is supposed to be much nicer.

Got a few good hours in this morning

That’s some serious rain!

Too wet to be outside?  Fine.  The girls will paint some pottery.


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