Cancun - Spring Break 2020

Our children have been out of college / high school for some 10 odd years now.  But here we are, still living the dream of Spring Break in Cancun!  Did I mention, without the kids???

The view from our balcony

Oh, and, we got word that after we departed from Indy, Mulberry received some 3 - 4" (about 8 cm, Dave P.) of SNOW at home.  Yep, we got picture confirmation.  One photo was a bit blurry, but there may have been a 'middle finger' in all that snow!  The thought!

So we figure 2020 will be the year of the coronavirus, and in 9 months there will be a whole bunch of coronial babies running around because there ain't much else to do!  Which means to say that this trip almost didn't happen.  Not because Cancun is shut down, nor the airport.  Work called and needed my expertise.  Fortunately, they found a replacement to handle it while I'm out.  Should not have been too difficult I imagine.

So we rolled S from Mulberry at 0500 this morning, Saturday, 14 MAR.  It was 40 degrees and clear.  We flew Delta, First Class, direct into Cancun (no, not because we are rich - but because it was the same cost as coach when you pay for your luggage.  Again, winning!).  I slept the entire flight.  We landed in Cancun at 10:30 am - One Hour Behind Mulberry.  The airport was as desolate as we have ever seen it.  I think we were second in line to get checked thru Immigration.  Wow.  Our luggage was waiting on us when we hit our baggage claim area.  We walked out thru Customs and pressed a Green Light.

We did have to wait on a shuttle.  Like always, we got the airport shuttle direct to our hotel.  There was quite a line for this shuttle.  Wondering if they shut some of them down since there are not as many people here???

Made it to our hotel / condo.  Staying at the Royal Sands.  Checked in and went to our room.  Dropped our gear and hit the local restaurant for lunch.  Back to the room to call for our luggage and the maid was just finishing cleaning it from the previous occupants (regular check-in time is 1600 and we were here at 11:30 - so no complaints that we got the room early).  We grabbed our suits, hastily applied sunscreen and then realized we had not called home to let everyone know we had safely arrived.  Oops.  So Sandy called our parents to let them know.  Then we hit the beach.

The water today is very rough.  It's Red Flagged, but that is usually wrong.  Not today.  The undertow is quite strong and the water a bit on the chilly side.  Not so chilly that I didn't go in.  Just chilly.  We moved from the beach to the kiddie pool as Sandy was ready to get wet to cool off.  And then we just laughed and laughed... Folks at home are dealing with Snow and we have to go swimming to cool off.  It's good to be us.

Back to the room at 16:30 to shower and get ready for dinner.  Seems Sandy was too hasty with the sunscreen as she has a red mark on her shoulder.  A SMALL price to pay.  She'll take it.  We went back downstairs for dinner.  Tonight was kind of a fajita night with several options.

We're back in the room by 7 pm and it's almost time to crash.  Been a long day.  Alcohol and sun will make you tired.  We'll be back up in the morning and right back at it - taking one for the team.

I'll keep posting daily about our "adventures" here in paradise.  But don't expect them to change much - like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.  Sun, beach, eat, pool, drink, eat, sleep, repeat...

And just to be clear, as of right now, we are not missing anyone, nor work, nor snow, nor pets...
And just for further clarification, if you can read this, you're not on the list to be missed either.  Only those under 4' tall, those are the reasons we will be coming back home in a week. 


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