SB20 - DAY 7 - FRI 20 MAR - Do we Make it Home???

Well, it has been six full days since I have worn socks.  Underwear sure, but not socks or shoes.  It's been all shorts, swimsuits, my flippy-floppies, and usually an orange PF t-shirt. 

Then, we get back from lunch today and what is happening?  The US & Mexico have decided to close the border for all but essential travel and trade.  Awesome (my perspective).  Meltdown (my wife's perspective).  I mean, there are millions of other places that are worse to be stuck in than Cancun, MX.   And I am here with my bride.  Winning!

We checked the internet for news and logged into Delta to confirm that we will be on the flight tomorrow morning.  Fortunately, Delta let us check in, which means that the flight must still be a Go, right?  Only one way to find out - show up at the airport and try to catch a plane home.

The only problem with staying for an extended period is medicine.  I only brought enough of my pills to get me through a 7-day stay.  This could be bad trying to get prescription drugs in Mexico.  Clothes?  Same, only 7 days of clothes.  But at least we can wash those.  Money?  Yep, not sure how we are going to fund an extended stay.  Can't take it with ya anyways, so might as well enjoy it.  Sorry kids, nothing left for inheritance.   

At the end of the day, there is not a darn thing we can do now.  Either we make our flight and come home or we do not.  That is 100% out of our control.  No sense worrying about it.  We cannot change the outcome.

Sandy did look at other flights going home today.  Most are already Sold Out.  A few losers still exist - having overnight stays in Atlanta or Nashville.  We totally avoided JFK (New York), Miami and Chicago. 

Our plan, as it stands right now, is to go out and have dinner while the sun sets over the lagoon.  And try to enjoy our last meal here for a while (we are coming back in late NOV with Kathy & Alex).  Or, we might still be here and they can just come down and join us...

Sandy was told via text messaging that she will have to check in with HR prior to coming back to work.  She was on the schedule for an 8 - 5 shift on Monday.  The store already has that shift covered, so after a conversation with her boss, Sandy will just check in with HR on Monday.  <-- This, BTW, was not something we wanted to add to her multiple open boxes inside her head right now.  Thanks CVS!

My assumption, that I will test upon return, is that Lilly is still working from home.  So my plan is to continue working from home on Monday.  Again, provided we are back in Indiana.

That's all we know right now.  We shall keep everyone informed of our plans as we know them.

Cheers from Cancun!


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