SB20 - Day 2, SUN 15 MAR

We crashed about 7:30 pm last night and did not roll out until 9 this morning.  Well, that does not count the five times we were up to use the restroom - at least for me.

We hit the chairs around the kiddie pool at 10 and stayed until lunch.  Lunch was at the Char Hut here near the pool.  Then after slathering with sunscreen again, we hit the sun deck.  We went into the pool a couple of times and I even went into the ocean to cool down once.  Thank goodness for the breeze or it would have been really hot here today.  84 and mostly sunny.  Tough to take.

I did find the resort cameras online if anyone would like to check out our weather.  I am wearing my orange PF shirts.  So if you see orange, it's probably me.  Go here:
Then select the Royal Sands Phase 2.  There are several cameras, but here is our section:

The orange arrows (top & bottom) are the sun deck and kiddie pool, respectively.
The yellow arrow is the swim-up bar and Char Hut restaurant.
Our room is on the 5th floor, just off the left-hand side of this picture.

We ended up here at the hotel restaurant for dinner again.  It was a Caribbean seafood night.  Not bad.

Sadly we got the text we knew was coming - ole Zeus finally gave up and went to join his brother.  He'd been not eating for the last few days and his breathing was labored, so we knew the time was neigh.  He's running around with Apollo and jumping in smelly ponds according to Michelle - since that's what they liked to do.  Now, ask anyone that ever hunted with Zeus and they will tell you - he was NOT a hunting dog.  I trained him too well to "Heel" which he did with perfection.  Chase birds?  Retrieve birds?  That was not in him.  He was a good dog and will be missed. 

The sun is going down as we retire to our room.  Not going to be watching any sports.  Catching up on email and this blog.

Did have an interesting conversation in the elevator this afternoon as we came back from lunch.  Another guest commented that we are not holding any conversations about coronavirus down here.  Everyone seems pretty level-headed.  Not nearly the crowds we have seen on Spring Breaks past, but still full.  No chairs available after 11. 

Right now our biggest decisions are where to eat.  Relaxing in the nice weather.  Great to unplug.

The view from our balcony tonight after dinner.


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