Spring Break 2020 - In the Books - Home Safe!

And just like that, our week in Cancun has come to a close.  We did leave an hour early for the airport just to be safe.  I would consider the airport "busy" but not overly so for a Saturday during Spring Break.  We saw lots of masks, rubber gloves, and hand sanitizer.

Our flight was on-time for departure and early into Indy.  No issues.

We ordered dinner from the Pizza King on the way home and have already unpacked, started laundry (and by we, I mean my wife here), and are sorting through the mail.

We had a great week of weather.  84 for the high and 77 for the low.  Nice breeze all week to keep us from over-heating.  And just a few spots of peeling skin (mainly my bald forehead - which is large enough to be called a Five-head).

As things stand right now, we are following the rest of the nation and sequestering ourselves here at the Ranch.  Sandy hopes to finally get some sleep as she now has the option of hitting the couch if I snore too loudly.

Happy to be home.  Figure we made it out just in time.

Our next trip is planned at the end of November.  Hopefully all of this has blown over and is in control way before then.

In the meantime, this blog will become idle until late November.  I will, however, be keeping my Hunting Blog updated from time to time with things happening around the Ranch.  Feel free to bop over there if you wanna check in...




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