
Showing posts from 2011

Headin' Home

Spent our last day like our first, sunnin', readin', and drinkin' by the pool. Just returned from our "last supper" on the beach. Place was packed. Took a full two hours. But hey, it don't get much more romantic than that. Watched a pretty good fireworks show off the next point E of us. Well done. Don't know why it went off, but we're glad it did. Finished up our shopping by buying a painted tile, already framed, sunset picture for our bedroom. Packed up almost everything except what we'll need in the am. Fixin' to read some more before calling it a night. Probably can't get any college futbol games on our lame tv. Sent a text to Nick telling him he has 24 hours to our return. He has a house to clean, we're sure of that. Night all. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad Location: Camino Viejo a San Jose,Cabo,Mexico

Cloud buddies have arrived

Yesterday afternoon we saw our first clouds - cloud buddies. We took pictures to verify. They were gone just as quickly as they appeared. We spent the majority of the afternoon trying to get our land legs back. The boat trip did a number on our poor land lubber tummies. We went back downtown to shop and ate again at Desperados. We tried the rib eye steaks, but they weren't nearly as excellent as our first meal. We've already done the express checkout. Our air port shuttle leave at 0900 local tomorrow. Our flight is at 1300. Four hours to Charlotte. Two hour layover then a buck thirty to Indy. We arrive at 11:45 and by the time we park and get our luggage, the time change (roll back) is upon us. Planning our last evening here at the resort with dinner on the water. Not quite Capt's Cove, but a close second. Assuming the position for the remainder of our time here. See most of you all on Sunday. Craig - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad Location: Camino Viejo a San Jose,Cab

Arco de Cabo

Just returned from a glass bottom boat tour of the Arco de Cabo - Land's End. Got up and out for the 10 o'clock departure. Although the boats take off every 30 minutes. For $12 per person, the boat picked us up on the beach, two hotels down. We had to hump it down to catch to ten boat. Sandy was huffing trying to keep up on loose sand at a 45 degree angle. Mountain goats probably could have performed better, but just barely. The trip took us down the beach, past the marina, and out to the Arco. There was one other couple on board with us, so it was almost a private tour. We saw pelicans, seals, the arch, the Pacific Window, Lover's Beach, Divorce Beach, divers, and lots of aweee (Kathy's word for fish). We beat Disney's Wonder cruise ship, and good thing too as the other couple said it's really crowded at their resort when the ships are docked. They are staying adjacent to downtown and are miserable there. They did go horseback riding yesterday and said it was a

Attack of the Sun

Yesterday, I think was Wednesday. We spent the day at the pool. Ordered lunch there. It was not quite as hot and there was a nice 8-10 mph breeze. Because it felt cooler, we didn't realize the quantity of sun rays our bodies were cumulating. Needless to say, one of us has sun poisoning and the other has a big pink belly. My lack of wearing a shirt and not reapplying sunscreen means that I will now be wearing a shirt full time for the remainder of the trip. The big pink belly is tender but not miserable enough to keep me awake at night. We went downtown Cabo for dinner at Desperados. Kinda an old west style saloon meets sports bar. We had excellent food there and must recommend that to anyone who makes it to Cabo. We also watched college football while we ate. Brought about half of it back for breakfast this morning. Shortest night of sleep to date. Only got 10 hours (11 pm - 9 am). Although Sandy says she not getting very restful sleep - up several times a night. Oh yeah, I didn

It's Good to be the King!

So just outside the pool deck entryway from our hotel sits this giant chess/checkers game set. Of course I had to replace the king piece with myself. Sandy says I'll never know that it's good to be the king..... Pawn jumps queen. Rook jumps queen. Bishop jumps queen..... Ate dinner last night at Le Perla, two buildings down. Once again we have failed to eat a bad meal. Pa Jerry would be happy to eat in Cabo, as the restaurants don't even open until 6 pm. Back up and at the pool before 9 again this morning. Lots of chairs reserved, but not many people out. Yesterday was "lawn work" day. Sounds like they're finishing up this morning. Supposed to be cooler today, only reaching 88. Gave up on the observation deck altogether. Too hot. Need to be by the pool for cooler air and ample opportunities to get wet. I did notice that the times that say when each blog post is updated still reflects Indiana time and not Cabo time. Subtract 3 hours from each time stamp. Called

Cabo - Es Caliente

Immediately after my last post, we left the observation deck for the pool. It's cooler, but Sandy says that's a relative term. Smokin' Hot is my term. I had to move to the shade. Check out the photos. Our resident lush even has wet hair. You know it has to be hot for her to go underwater. Don't ask about the walrus that jumped into the pool and filled her ears. Ordered brick oven pizza pool side for lunch. Haven't left this spot all day except to heed Mother Nature's call. I hit the ocean twice. Powerful rip tide. Two cruise ships docked today, so we're staying put for dinner. That makes three we've seen this week. Yes, that's a bucket of beer. Here is a picture of Sandy going down the Shamu slide, yea right! The weather is here.....wish you were beautiful!!! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad Location: Camino Viejo a San Jose,Cabo,Mexico

November in the South Pacific

It's Tuesday morning sometime before 9 am. We've picked a spot away from the pools, overlooking the ocean. More of an observation deck, as we are not on the beach proper. Sandy is about 10 pages from finishing her second book. To date, no sun poisoning. She also would like to point out to Kathy that there are no cloud buddies. In fact, we have yet to see the FIRST cloud. Although Mr. Thermometer might only read low 90's, we have agreed that it's warmer here than Cancun. Must be our position relative to the sun. Our bet is that neither Kathy nor Shelby would require hoodies down here. Had breakfast served to our little table here yesterday. Self-portrait, as Sandy was in the pool. Not a typo. Even Sandy had to visit the pool about once an hour to cool off. Dinner last night was at Bella California, a restaurant here at the hotel. Sticking with our American Tourists costumes, Sandy had spaghetti and I had steak. Both were excellent! My steak could be cut with a fork, it

Happy Halloween - our costumes!

Tonight is Halloween, or Dia del Muerta in Mexico. Parties everywhere. We dressed up as American tourists. And I must say, we are really convincing! Sandy says, Dad is the drunken tourist and she is the normal one. The iPad really sucks at night time pictures, but here we are in costume after dinner. That huge black blob behind us is the Pacific ocean. Not quite as good as Capt Morgan (dad) or Capts Cove (mom), but close. Full update in the morning. Off to watch American Futbol. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad Location: Camino Viejo a San Jose,Cabo,Mexico

Similarities and Differences

Unlike flat Cancun, Cabo is more like the Virgin Islands or Hawaii. Lots of mountains. Also, here in Cabo, not every square inch of land has been developed. Once you pass either end of our hotel's three buildings, there's nothing for a mile either way. The beach here is really steep. Kinda Camp Cullom Hill-ish, but not that long. Really tough to stay in your beach chair without first leveling the sand. This is the beach, facing SE. The flee marketers line the rope boundaries, but leave you alone if you say no thanks. Looking SW towards arch with vendor on beach - with vendor in foreground. The waves are not surfable. But they roll in quite well. "That's a good one" is not sufficient warning according to Sandy. That particular wave went above the panty line. She had wet underwear for the remainder of the evening. Like Kathy did for Nick, I played a small violin for her. Not sure she heard it through all my laughter. Planning a glass bottom boat tour of the arch lat

Cabo - Es Caro

For those who no habla - that means "it's expensive." More so than Cancun anyway. Breakfast this morning was $60 US. Day one is in the books. We spent the majority of it by the pool soaking up rays. We hit the showers and then the sports bar to watch football. Tv in the room does not get any football. We did notice that we could see the players' breath during the Pittsburg game. Headed to the El Buccaneer for dinner, but they don't open til 6. Took a taxi downtown to Sammy Haggar's Cabo Wabo cantina. Disappointing. Small. No food per se. Snacked and bought a few gifts, but only for our Favorite child. I'll give you three guesses who got 2 mosquito bites while we sat at Cabo Wabo and the first two don't count. The time change occurred last night here. So we're pretty sure we are 3 hours behind Indy - who changes next weekend (first Sunday in Nov). So the sun set here at 5:40 behind the mountains. Will not be getting sunset pics at all. But, not a c

The Fun has Arrived!

After 14-18 hours of much needed sleep, we are officially on vacation. We're not quite sure if it's 8 or 9 am, but that doesn't matter. Hit the beach to check out the water. Saw only 4 other people out this morning. Have our pick of where we'll be sitting for the next 12 hours. Sure gets warm fast. Where is Pedro with my cervesa? Missing you! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad Location: Camino Viejo a San Jose,Cabo,Mexico

Saturday Travel Day - Yuck!

On 2 hours sleep, we hit IND airport at 4 am. Checked in to an oversold flight. Seats not together. I watched Captain America while Sandy read. First pilot stopped like Nick, according to Sandy. 2 hour lay-over in PHX allowed us to eat some breakfast. Had a row in the back to ourselves to Cabo. Cabo International Airport is small and quaint. Reminded us of Cancun on our first trip there in '94. Got of plane directly on Tarmac. Walked to a private immigration and baggage carousel. Thru customs with a green light in under an hour. Even with our bags being the very last two off. Got on a bus with seats too small for Sandy, so you know I was miserable. Took 1.5 hours to drive to hotel on roads that make our lane look like a super highway. Ate at a small restaurant here at the hotel. Crashed. Not sure about the time. Phoenix was 3 hours behind, but we think Cabo is only 2 hours behind Indiana. In the end, we lost most of Saturday getting here, but we're here! Need to send a shout ou

Wifi issues / compatibility?

Keep getting kicked off wifi. Not sure if it's a BlogPress issue, wifi issue or iPad issue. Fourth attempt to update blog. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad Location: Cabo San Lucas

Good Bye Cancun - Hello Cabo!

Say "Hello" to hurricane Rina.  She's making a mess of our plans to Cancun.  In fact, the weather forecast for Cancun is calling for Thunderstorms for the next 8 days! No worries!  That's what trip insurance is for, eh?  Got our room fees applied to our trip next year.  Filed a claim with the airlines (Frontier has not "officially" canceled yet, but are advising AGAINST travelling to Cancun). So now, we're heading for Cabo San Lucas!  Never been there before.  A bit longer flight, which is sure to impress mama (shhh!  Don't tell).  Not sure how expensive it will be, but at this point I don't reckon it matters that much.  We're outta here.  Nick's got the helm.  Planning on painting Kathy's old room and turning it into a Game Center whilst the parental units are away.  I still plan on taking my iPad and updating this blog while I'm away.  I'll see if I can't change the name to Cabo vs Cancun.  In the end, I'll st

Time / Date stamp

Ok, so obviously the time is way off. Guess I have not picked the proper location. Must have me on the West Coast somewhere. Will fix that. And will also tell you to read Post #2 before reading Post #3. More from Cancun. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad Location: W State Road 38,Mulberry,United States

Test with BlogPress on iPad

So now I've loaded BlogPress ($2.99 at the App Store) to my iPad. This is a blog from within THAT application. Be sure you've read the previous blog post because I'm about to give you the Spoiler to the quiz. Stop here if you haven't read it and come back. Spoiler alert! It's Re-Phil! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad Location: W State Road 38,Mulberry,United States

IPad Test with Photos

So two posts in one day? That won't continue to be the norm. However, this one was created on my iPad wirelessly. As a photo test, I want you all to comment on who this could possibly be? Let's see: He's a hunter, as you can tell by his clothes. He drinks beer; obviously has a drinking problem! But he's wearin WHITE wrestling shoes! While I applaud the effort to stay quiet when bow hunting, there must not have been any shoes in Hunter's Orange . Hint: since you can't tell from the photo, I'll let you know that he's wearing vanilla cover scent! Any guesses? Wow.  FAIL!  Can't upload pictures from the iPad.  Had to revert to computer. Also could not change font colors. Maybe this is not the way to go.  Checking in to other software for iPad. Craig

Greetings & Salutations!

Family and Friends, My iPad will be in tow when we hit Cancun in a week or so.  My plan is to sit down each evening and create a simple blog post to update everyone.  My hope is that I can post pictures and videos here instead of filling your INBOX with all those mega-bytes of data. We'll still probably call and "check-in" with some of you all.  But if the rest of you wish to live vicariously through this blog for a week, feel free. Will do a test update with my iPad to ensure it's viable and not too cumbersome. T-minus ten days and counting..... Craig