Cancun 2022 - Day 1 - SAT 05 MAR

 It's Saturday, 05 MAR 2022 - our travel day down to Cancun, MX.  It also happens to be Pa Jerry's 82nd birthday.  Happy Birthday Dad!  We had him, Mom, and Pa Bill out for dinner last weekend as we knew we would be gone today to warmer climes.  Sandy made him a raspberry pie from what we picked off the farm.  A homemade pie with raspberries from the land we all grew up on.  Winning!  Still the favorite!

Our flight to Cancun was direct from Indy at 11:15 am this morning.  Sure was nice not to have to get up at 0300 and drive in the dark for an hour.  We slept in until 7:00 and left at 7:45 for the airport.  We found the airport to be deserted.  There was hardly anyone there.  We breezed right through everything.  Our flight was full, but who cares?  We pulled out early and watched movies on the way down.  It passed the time quite quickly.

But Lord have Mercy!  Upon arrival at Cancun, we could barely make it down the steps into Immigration because it was That Full!  Having been coming for 25 years and well over 50 trips under our belt, we have NEVER seen it this full.  It took us 50 minutes to get through after jumping lines.  We spent 20 mins in one line and skipped to another.  We won.  The person in front of us in the other line still hadn't made it 1/3rd as far and we were out.

We also waited for our private shuttle.  They apologized for the delay, but we are on vacation.  Who cares?  Not us.  We landed at 2:15 pm and made it to our room with luggage at 5 pm.  That's the price you have to pay when coming to Cancun during Spring Break month.  Ok.  We now have nine more days to unwind.  Check.

We ate dinner at the pool bar.  We took some photos.  This is night one.  We will take selfies each night so you can see the progression from white to either brown or red.  Stay tuned.  Watch for the bags under our eyes to disappear as well for we will be catching up on sleep.

Day Light Savings Time goes into effect while we are here this week.  Cancun does not switch, but Indiana will.  It will take "four" hours to get home - a three hour flight.

We have a house sitter living with our pets this week.  Said sitter is a three-time national pistol champion and enjoys long walks with our two Rottweilers.  The video cameras are on 24x7 and the alarm goes directly to a monitored service.  Of course the kids live next door and our police officer friends will drive by twice a day to check in.  We're covered.  Not concerned at all about putting our absence on this post or FB.

It's 6:30 pm local.  It's 80 degrees F (27 C).  There is a nice breeze as the sun is going down.  Yes, it made it to over 70 F (21 C) at home today, but y'all ain't got a beach, an ocean, or a wait staff bringing you Captain Morgan and Cokes all night.  I hope you have great weather at home this week because no matter what you get, we will have it better!  

I will do my best to post a daily update, but no guarantees.  It is what it is.  Check back in as often or as infrequent as you so desire.

Day one.  Preparing for dinner.  This is our baseline "tan" for the week.

Looking N up the island of Cancun from our hotel

Looking S down the beach from our hotel

A Modelo and a Captain Morgan & Coke to start my vacation.
Sandy had an iced tea.  Tenderfoot.

The sun going down over the lagoon from our balcony door.
Oh, poor us!


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